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Food Trivia for Foodies

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Raw fish salad served in a bowl and originated in Hawaii.
This soup is the official state cuisine of Louisiana.
Fast-food chain that famously sold out of chicken sandwiches in 2019 and announced they'd return on a Sunday to take a jab at rival Chick-Fil-A?
The candy that Mr. Owl loves.
Tootsie Pop
This variety of apple has a name that means fancy party.
Food delivery service founded in 2013 in San Francisco.
This nut is typically a key ingredient in Waldorf salad.
Poppy seeds, toasted sesame seeds, dried garlic, dried onion and salt are the common mix of ingredients in this seasoning.
everything seasoning
Staple of Indian cuisine with many forms, such as powder, sauce, or even leaf.
Coffe drink with less milk than a latte.
Larger variant of the "sweet" banana, frequently used for cooking.
Leafy green native to Persia and associated with a specific cartoon character who made his debut in 1929.
Sonny the Cuckoo Bird is the mascot for what chocolaty General Mills cereal brand?
Cocoa Puffs
This British chocolate company produces creme-filled chocolate eggs known for simulating the texture and appearance of a soft-boiled egg.
Popular Thai dish typically made with rice noodles, scrambled egg, peanuts, and meat.
pad thai
Popular cable TV channel, owned by Discovery.
Food Network
What food of the three bears did Goldilocks eat?
This signature breakfast sandwich resembles a mass assembly version of an eggs Benedict.
Egg McMuffin
The only fruit with the seeds on the outside.
American fast casual restaurant, formerly known as Boston Chicken, founded in Newton Massachusetts in 1984.
Boston Market
Popular condiment used as a base for remoulade or a tartar sauce?
Common food that is technically steamed balls of crushed wheat. Has a repetitive name.
This snack was created thousands of years ago specifically associated with a type of entertainment venue.
What large fruit was cultivated for hundreds of years simply for hydration purposes rather than food?
Lox is a version of what type of sea fish?
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty Dumpty in his place again."  What was Humpty?
an egg
One of Andy Warhol's most famous artworks is a set of 32 canvases, each bearing an image of a red-and-white can of soup from what company?
Retired in the 21st century, "It's finger lickin' good!" had been the slogan for over 50 years for what restaurant chain? The slogan had been conceived by a franchise owner rather than an ad agency.