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figurative language

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The bookstore’s open house was a circus with people everywhere.
very crazy - chaotic
Lane was burning up in the packed restaurant.
very hot
My room is a disaster!
really messy
Her driving test was a walk in the park.
My stomach was full of butterflies as I went on stage for the opening number.
feeling nervous
His legs were rubber after running the marathon.
his legs were weak
Fred is a fish when you get him in the water.
good swimmer
Jake is a clown during class.
jokes around
I am a couch potato when I get home from work.
Katie wished she could go to the movies with her friends, but with her headache and sore throat she was feeling under the weather.
Derrick eats healthy and exercises regularly. At a check-up with his doctor, he was told he was as fit as a fiddle.
very healthy
Greg has a huge history test to study for. His friends want him to go to the mall, but he tells them that he has to hit the books first.
The baby is as cute as a button.
very cute
That tree was as tall as a skyscraper!
very tall
After earning a 100% on her English paper, Jamie was on cloud nine.
very happy
Tiffany doesn’t like it when kids at her school bully other kids. It really makes her blood boil.
very mad
She’s so smart, she’s as sharp as a tack.
very smart
After working all day, I will sleep like a log tonight.
slept very soundly
He was moving slower than molasses in January.
moving very slowly
He was moving slower than molasses in January.
moving very slowly
I couldn’t see anything in the dark, I was as blind as a bat.
can't see well
When Ben kissed Tracey on the cheek, she turned as red as a tomato.
she was embarrassed
That old man is as stubborn as a mule. He has done things the same way his entire life.
very stubborn
Caleb is as strong as an ox, he moved the heavy furniture all by himself.
very strong
Haley is a walking dictionary, she knows everything!
have a big vocabulary
We were sardines in the backseat of the van on the way to the beach.
packed tightly
The computers in the library are dinosaurs. They are getting laptops next year.
the computers are outdated