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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The vibrant festivities lasted late into the clear night.
vibrant and clear
Traditional dances were performed by talented performers.
traditional and talented
The moon’s soft light bathed the quiet village in silver.
soft and quiet
The cheerful guests admired the brightly lit courtyard.
cheerful and brightly
Decorative lanterns in various shapes adorned the streets.
decorative and various
The warm tea complemented the savory mooncakes perfectly.
warm and savory
Beautiful music played during the calm evening celebration.
beautiful and calm
The excited children waited for the grand lantern parade.
excited and grand
The brightly colored lanterns were hung on the tall trees.
brightly and tall
The sweet mooncakes were filled with rich lotus seed paste.
sweet and rich
Glowing lanterns floated across the dark river.
glowing and dark
The happy family shared stories about the old festival.
happy and old
A gentle breeze blew through the open windows.
gentle and open
The Jade Rabbit used fresh herbs to make the special elixir.
fresh and special
The ancient legend of Chang’e is a fascinating story.
ancient and fascinating
Chang’e wore a graceful dress as she danced under the full moon.
graceful and full
The soft glow of the moon created a magical atmosphere.
soft and magical
Beautiful decorations adorned the traditional house.
beautiful and traditional
The round mooncake symbolized eternal unity.
round and eternal
Families enjoyed a wonderful meal under the starry sky.
wonderful and starry
The joyful children ran through the crowded park.
joyful and crowded
Colorful lanterns lit up the peaceful garden.
colorful and peaceful
People gathered around the large table filled with delicious mooncakes.
large and delicious
The bright moon shone in the clear night sky.
bright and clear