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ADV2_25 - Culture Vocab

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"made by cutting" - a) bury - b) carved
b) carved
"one thing coming after another" - a) succession - b) flourished
a) succession
"exciting public shows or events" - a) icon - b) spectacles
b) spectacles
"a famous thing or person that represents a group or country" - a) icon - b) hostile
a) icon
"unfriendly and aggressive, wanting to attack" - a) abandoned - b) hostile
b) hostile
"grew, developed very successfully" - a) flourished - b) succession
a) flourished
"put something or someone into the ground" - a) carved - b) bury
b) bury
"left the place and never went back" - a) abandoned - b) bury
a) abandoned
Which place or thing is an honorary Seven Wonder?
Great Pyramid of Giza (honorary status)
Which place or thing was used to look at the stars?
Chichén Itzá
Which place or thing took 9 years to construct?
Christ the Redeemer
Which place or thing was built in ways we don't understand?
Machu Picchu
Which place or thing was designed to protect the people who built it?
The Great Wall of China
Which place or thing has been damaged by natural events?
The Colosseum
Which place or thing has architecture from different places mixed together?
The Taj Mahal
Which place or thing is in a desert?
Which is the newest Seven Wonder?
Christ the Redeemer is the newest (1922–1931).
Which is the oldest Seven Wonder?
Petra is the oldest (9 BCE–4 CE).