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Movers vocabulary. Appearance, clothes, food, pl ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What would you like to order?
I'd like ...
What would you like to order?
I would like ...
What is there in the fridge?
There is a pie, a pineapple, some sausages, and a bottle of milk.
What does he need to buy?
He needs to buy an onion, grapes, and some bread.
What is there in the town centre?
There is a park.
Where can we go to watch new films?
We can go to the cinema to watch new films.
What is there in front of the library?
There is a playground in front of the library.
Where do people go shopping?
People go shopping to the supermarket.
Where is the library?
The library is behind the playground. / The library is next to the school.
What is there opposite the hospital?
There is a circus opposite the hospital.
What has a rectangle shape?
A desk and a monitor(computer) are rectangle.
What has a square shape?
A rug and a chair have a square shape.
What has a triangle shape?
A clock and a shelf are triangle.
What has a round shape?
A bed and a window are round.
Who is wearing a swimsuit?
Mary is wearing a swimsuit.
Who is wearing a yellow jacket and a skirt?
Jane is wearing a yellow jacket and a skirt.
What is this boy wearing?
He is wearing a shirt, a white a t-shirt, jeans, and white shoes.
What is this girl wearing?
She is wearing a hat, a red dress, and red shoes.
What is the girl wearing?
She is wearing a purple hat, an orange scarf, a pink coat, trousers, and warm boots.
What does this man look like?
He has short curly hair and a beard.
What does this woman look like?
She has long fair straight hair and blue eyes.
What does he look like?
He has short hair, a moustache and a beard.
Who has a grey long beard?
Jack has a grey long beard.
Who has long dark straight hair?
Emma has long dark straight hair.