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Present Perfect Progressive 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ________ to work every day this week.
have walked
haven't walked
have walk
My girlfriend and I ________ three times last week.
went out
have gone out
have been going out
I ________ in Los Angeles for five years (but I no longer live there).
have lived
have been living
am living
I ________ in Los Angeles for five years (and I still live there).
have lived
have been living
has lived
You ________ her, have you?
haven't told
haven't tell
didn't tell
I ________ in a small town in Italy.
was born
were born
have borned
have been born
Jack's sister ________ her friend in London last year.
has visit
has visited
has been visiting
I ________ you at the party last night.
didn't see
haven't seen
haven't been seeing
I ________ volleyball in several months.
haven't played
haven't play
didn't play
didn't played
I’m tired because I _____ a lot recently for this run.
have been training
have trained
have been trained
I'm tired because _____ well these past few nights.
haven't been sleeping
have slept
have been sleeping