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How is it Pronounced?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which letter is not pronounced in WRITE?
Which letter is not pronounced in BUILD?
Which letter is not pronounced in TALK?
Which letter is not pronounced in SHOULD?
Which letter is not pronounced in HALF?
Which letter is not pronounced in CHEMICAL?
Which letter is not pronounced in ASSIGNMENT?
Which letter is not pronounced in SCENE?
Which letter is not pronounced in MUSCLE?
Which letter is not pronounced in SUBTLE?
Which letter is not pronounced in DOUBT?
How is it pronounced the final -S in WISHES: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the final -S in BRIDGES: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the final -S in BUSES: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the final -S in GLOVES: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the final -S in WORDS: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the final -S in CRABS: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the final -S in LOOKS: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the final -S in SITS: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the final -S of HELP: /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
How is it pronounced the past tense of FIX: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of OFFER: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of KISSED: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of NEED: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of WASH: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of DAMAGE: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of LOVE: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of PLAY: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of LOOK: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of FOLD: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of USE: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of WANT: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of LAUGH: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of HELP: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?
How is it pronounced the the past tense of AMAZE: /t/, /d/ or /ed/?