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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A nosotros / comer hamburguesas y helado.
We love eating hamburgers and ice-cream.
A mi / ir al supermercado con mis abuelos.
I love going to the supermarket with my grandparents.
A mi sobrina / comer verduras.
My niece doesn't like / dislikes eating vegetables.
A Jake / comer comida basura.
Jake hates eating fast food.
Mi tío/ escuchar música.
My uncle hates listening to music.
A mi padre / montar en bici.
My father likes riding a bike.
Mis padres / quedarse levantados hasta tarde.
My parents hate staying up late.
A los estudiantes / hablar por teléfono.
The students love talking on the phone.
Mi hermana / ver la tele
My sister doesn't like / dislikes watching TV.
mi abuelo / jugar al fútbol
Mi grandfather loves playing football.
Mis primos / quedar con amigos
My cousins love meating friends.
A mi / leer comics
I like reading comics
el gato / beber leche
The cat doesn't like drinking milk.
mi madre / ir de compras
My mother likes going shopping.
la profe / navegar por internet
The teacher hates surfing the internet.