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There is / There are (Neighborhood)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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__________ any churches here.
there aren't
there isn't
there is
there are
____ three parking lots in my neighborhood.
there are
there aren't
is there
are there
_______ a museum in your town?
is there
are there
there is
there isn't
______ good bookshops around?
are there
is there
there are
there is
_______ a zoo in our town, but there is one in the next city.
there isn't
there is
is there
there aren't
________ a toy shop across the street.
there is
is there
there are
are there
_______ a butcher store around here?
is there
are there
there are
there is
Yes, ______ a great hairdresser near here.
there is
is there
there are
there isn't
There ______ any sportshops here, but there are some clothes shop.
Let's eat chocolate! _______ a candyshop near here?
is there
are there
there is
there are
__________ any bakeries here.
there aren't
there isn't
there is
there are
____ three factories in my neighborhood.
there are
there aren't
is there
are there
______ many schools at your neighborhood?
are there
is there any
are they
is there
_______ a stadium in your town?
is there
are there
there is
there isn't
No, I'm sorry. ______ a gas station near here.
there isn't
there not
they aren't
there is
_______ a bank around here?
is there
are there
there are
there is
______ good restaurants?
are there
is there
there are
there is
Yes, ______ a great park near here.
there is
is there
there are
there isn't
____ two libraries in my neighborhood.
there are
there aren't
is there
are there
Let's go to a movie. _______ a cinema near you?
is there
are there
there is
there are