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Revision 2o trimestre - 5o ano / 2020

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was your favorite TV programme when you were younger? (Sponge Bob)
My favorite TV programme when I was younger was Sponge Bob. - It was Sponge Bob.
What was your favorite game when you were younger? (hide and seek)
My favorite game when I was younger was Hide and Seek. - It was Hide and Seek.
Who was your PE teacher last year?
Last year my PE teacher was.... - He was...
Where were you last Saturday? (park)
I was in the park.
Where were you and your friend last January? (beach)
We were at the beach. - Me and my friend were at the beach.
What sport is it?
What sport is it?
What sport is it?
What sport is it?
What sport is it?
What did Jane's dad take? (PH)
He took photos.
What is she doing? (go / her bedroom)
She is going to her bedroom.
What is the boy carrying? (B)
The boy is carrying a bag. / He is carrying a bag.
What is the man reading? (N)
The man is reading a newspaper - He is reading a newspaper.
What is he doing? (look at the map)
He is looking at the map.
What is she doing? (clean)
She is cleaning.
What is the boy doing? (go / downstairs)
The boy is going downstairs. - He is going downstairs.