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Films & TV Programmes

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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... are no longer in fashion these days. people prefer action film or comedies.
When I watch movies on TV, I don't like the ... breaks. They try to sell us all kinds of stuff, some of which are not at all healthy.
My brother likes watching the Nat Geo Wild because there are so many ... about Africa's wildlife.
"Harry Potter" is a ... movie series with wizards and lots of magic.
When I was little, I used to watch "Tom and Jerry" before I went to bed. It was my favourite ...
My cousins want to become pop stars. Therefore, they only watch the ... channels on TV.
'James Bond' is a fictional character in one of the most successful ... series in the world.
Every Sunday, my dad watches the ... channel. He likes watching football matches and Formula 1.
The most frightening film I've ever seen is "Alien Invasion". It is a ... movie with a lot of realistic visual effects.
Science fiction
Grandpa always the ..... on Wednesday. He is very smart and knows all the answers.
quiz show
Martha always checks the ....... before she plans a trip in the mountains.
weather forecast
My little brother likes "The Pirates of the Carribean". It is an ... movie.
Mom is loves .... comedies. Her favourite actor is Adam Sandler.
My sister prefers watching ..... movies.
My dad's favourite TV programme is the ..... .
In my family, we all like ..... TV.