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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 animals
(cat, black bear, jaguar, tiger, lion...)
Name 5 family members
(mother, son, husband, father, cousin...)
Name 5 fast food
(fries, hamburger, milkshake, hot-dog, pizza...)
Name 5 parts of the house
(bedroom, living room, garage, bathroom, kitchen...)
Name 5 body parts
(eye, legs, nose, foot, hand...)
Name 5 nationalities
(brazilian, french, american, canadian, japanese...)
Name 5 summer activities
(go to the beach, go snorkeling, go surfing, go camping, go rock climbing...)
Name 5 camp activities
(go kayaking, go horseback riding, go hiking in the woods, go swimming, feed the farm animals...)
Name 5 days of the week
(Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Sunday...)
Name 5 birthday gifts
(sunglasses, make-up case, watch, T-shirt, earrings...)
Name 5 street objects/places
(billboard, pay phone, trash can, bus stop ad, bus stop)
Name 5 computer objects
(webcam, printer, mouse, keyboard, speakers...)
Name 5 everyday activities
(go to school, watch TV, have breakfast, go to bed, set the table...)
Name 5 furnitures
(bed, night table, bookshelf, desk, chair...)
Name 5 places at the mall
(food court, shoe store, ice cream parlor, clothing store, arcade...)
Name 5 school supplies
(pen, eraser, pencil case, pencil sharpener, backpack...)
Name 5 months of the year
(January, April, October, September, December...)
Name 5 items of clothing
(dress, shorts, T-shirt, pants, skirt..)
Name 5 colors
(pink, blue, purple, white, black)