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All about movies/TV terminology (ADVANCED)

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What are they?
They are streaming services.
Money Heist, Season 1, __________6
Something that you can change on the TV or subscribe to on YouTube
The last episode of the season or the series is called the _________________.
finale (conclusion)
Used to describe an old(er) movie that was and is still very popular.
a classic (n.) / classic (adj.)
An unhealthy watching habit created by streaming services. When you watch many hours of television continuously..
When a show or movie ends with you wanting to know what happens next is called a _________________.
Another word for 'type' or 'kind,' used for films, music and books.
The cost or price of a movie is often called the b_________.
The first day a film/movie/series is released is called the _______________.
The Walking Dead is NOT a movie. It had 10 seasons. It is a ____________.
(tv) series
A word used to describe a movie that made a lot of money at the cinema.
Every year, you wait for the new __________ of your favorite series.
A series/group of three movies is called a ___________. Example: John Wick, John Wick 2, and John Wick 3
The next movie is called a ___________. Ex: Toy Story 2 is the ____________ to Toy Story.
Another term for "watching online."
The ability to watch a film/movie/series anytime you want is called on __________.
(on) demand
A movie with a smaller budget (cost) and often less famous actors is usually called an ______________ movie.
indie / independent
The first full episode viewed by the production studios before the series is made is called a p_______ e____________.
pilot episode
An adjective to describe a movie or something that is popular right now.
When series has stopped because of low ratings, it has been ___________.
A 2 - 3 minute advertisement for a new movie/series.
trailer (preview)
The art and technology of motion-picture photography is called CYPIAENMROHTOG (unscramble). It includes style and techniques of filming movies.
What do you call it when a film or movie is illegally copied and shared?
pirate (v.) / pirated (adj.)
What is the adjective to describe a film or movie that is not as good as everybody says?