Edit Game
Regular and Irregular Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Write - Wrote
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Sing - Sang
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Drink - Drank
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular verb: Dance - Danced
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular verb: Want - Wanted
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular verb: Work - Worked
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular: Listen - Listened
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Sleep - Slept
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular verb: Cook - Cooked
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Run - Ran
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular verb: Walk - Walked
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Fall - Fell
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Draw - Drew
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular verb: Call - Called
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular verb: Help - Helped
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Eat - Ate
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular: Play - Played
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb: Catch - Caught
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Irregular verb : Buy - Bought
Mention the verbs! (Present and Past) Is it regular or irregular verb?
Regular : Jump - Jumped