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GF B2 Present Tenses

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long have you been knowing him?
... have you known ...
— Why are your clothes so dirty? — I’ve played football.
I've been playing...
I usually wear something casual, but today I wear a suit as I need to look nice at a job interview.
... but today I'm wearing ...
How long have you been working here?
The lessons are starting every Monday and Wednesday at 18:10
... start ...
How much chocolate do you eat today so far?
... have you eaten ...
I don’t hear you because of the noise! Do you drive somewhere?
Are you driving ...?
We’re flying to Vienna tomorrow at 6:30.
We have this car since last year.
We have had ...
Kate already phoned him three times
Kate has already phoned ...
I’m waiting for you for almost an hour! Can you hurry up?
I have been waiting ...
It really annoys me that he ___ (always, text) someone when we’re together.
is always texting
This is the best book I ___ (ever / read).
have ever read
___ (you / do) anything important this week?
Are you doing? / Have you done? / Have you been doing?
Kate ____ (run) for more than an hour now. She ___ (already, run) more than 20 km!
has been running, has already run
The train ____ (leave) at 8.00 am. We ___ (meet) near McDonalds at 7.30 am.
leaves, are meeting
What ____ (you / say) to him?! He is so angry.
have you said
He ___ (be) always sad. – Well, he ____ (go through) the divorce with his wife for over 6 months now.
is, has been going through
We _____ (drive) for 2 hours now, I think we need a stop.
have been driving
She is a web designer. She ___ (work) as a web designer since she was twenty.
has worked / has been working