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Family and friends 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hoce li ona poslije podne plivati s nama?
Hoćeš li kasnije posjetiti onaj muzej?
Šta ćeš ti raditi idući tjedan?
Sutra ću jesti tjesteninu s mesom.
Name 5 things you need on a holiday
Kada si koristio onaj kompjuter?
Kada si vidio Petru?
Gdje si našla tu majicu?
Where did you find that T-shirt?
Jesi li jela u školi?
Did you eat in school?
Mama je skuhala tjesteninu sa mesom.
Mum cooked some pasta with meat.
Petar i Marija nisu koristili školski kompjuter.
Petar and Marija didn't use the school computer.
Oni su živjeli u velikim kućama.
They lived in big houses.
Name 5 items you use in school
(your answer)
Kad sam imala crnu kosu bila sam lijepa.
(your answer)
Nisu postojali avioni prije 500 godina.
(your answer)
Nije bio test prošli tjedan.
(your answer)
Bilo je nekoliko auta u parku jučer.
(your answer)
Nije bilo nikakvih auta u našem gradu prije 200 godina.
(your answer)
Nisam bila druželjubiva kad sam bila mlada.
(your answer)
Prije 30 godina on je bio mlad i lijep.
(your answer)
Imao je crnu kosu kad je bio mlad.
(your answer)
Kad sam imala 7 godina imala sam psa.
(your answer)
Describe yourself using 3 adjectives
(your answer)
Describe your friend using 3 adjectives
(your answer)
Last week there ..... in school.
(your answer)
Yesterday there .....in school.
(your answer)
200 years ago there...
(your answer)
What's the time? (8:30)
It's half past eight.
What's the time? (6:20)
It's twenty past six.
What's bigger?
The elephant is bigger than the mouse.
Which animal is taller?
The giraffe is taller than the dog.
What's is the slowest animal?
The snail is the slowest animal in the world.
Name 4 uncountable nouns
(your answer)
Name 4 countable nouns
(your answer)
What's this?
What's this?
In the park you mustn't ...
(your answer)
In the park you must....
(your answer)
Say 3 things you must do in school
(your answer)
Say 3 things you mustn't do in school
(your answer)
What's this?
What's this?
What's this?
at the top of
What's this?
What's this?
in the middle of
What's this?
What's this?
What's this?
What's this?
What's this?