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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean if something "costs an arm and a leg"?
Something is incredibly expensive
Something is incredibly cheap
Something is very valuable
Something is very difficult.
What does it mean to have a "thirst" for adventure
What does it mean to "Pass with Flying Colors"?
To do very well on a test
To run very fast through a rainbow
To fly through a rainbow in an airplane or helicopter
When the sky diver jumped out over the firework display
The best way to decide where to go on vacation is “to flip a coin”
Only children should choose where to go on family vacations.
We do not need driverless cars.
People are better drivers than computers
Driverless cars will be faster than traditional cars
Children should be paid for doing chores.
Children should do chores every day.
Parents should make their children do the chores at home.
Spiderman is better than Ironman
We should learn Chinese in school
Every village needs a library
Is it important to get a perfect score on a test?
Is it important to learn history at school?
It is ok for you to talk loudly with your friends in a public library
Many children are __________ for tomorrows party
We can always depend on Ashly, she's a good girl who will never ____ us
A(n) is between 13 and 19 years old
Big Meanie
Young Adult
When you are unhappy about something you ___________ about it
Rage Quit
Your ___________ is the place you are going to.
What does it mean to "Immerse yourself"
To be completely involved or surrounded by something
To be completely bored or annoyed by something.
To be completely happy or satisfied with something.
To be completely angry or frustrated with something.
What does it mean to be nestled.
To fit comfortably on or between something -sometimes hidden
To be a sleeping baby bird in a nest waiting for its mommy.
To be a sleeping child in bed, waiting for their mother.
To fit uncomfortably in or under something -always hidden.
What does it mean to be "a taken back"
To be Surprised
To be Scared
To be Surrounded
Bo Te Dursised.
What is "off the beaten path"
Going somewhere that's not popular or well known.
Going somewhere scary and dangerous.
Going somewhere that is popular and well known.
Going somewhere fun and exciting.
What is a hidden Gem?
Something valuable or beautiful but not well known
Pirates Treasure
I hid it in Minecraft, nobody will find it!
Something rare and valuable that we have to find.
What is an enthusiast?
Someone who is interested and excited about something
Someone who really likes enthuses
A type of candy that teacher Trey likes
Someone who hates to travel
People should help others on public holidays
We should have more public holidays
We do not need public holidays
We should learn IT in school
We Should learn how to cook in school
Cats are Better than Dogs
1 season is better than 4 seasons
We should have more public holidays
We should eat insect meat instead of animal meat
where do you want to go for your next holiday?
Books are Better than Movies
where do you want to go on Holiday?