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TV programmes

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you want to change the television channel, you _____.
turn over
A funny television series that is about the same group of people in different situations
A programme for young people where the characters are not real people, but drawings.
A programme that gives you information about nature, history and other topics.
When you want to watch TV, you ____ it ______
turn on / switch on
A programme where invited guests talk about their lives.
Talk show
A programme that tells you what is happening in your country and in the world.
the news broadcast
When you finish watching TV you .... it ....
turn off / switch off
If you want to hear something louder you ..... the volume
turn up
A programme which shows the adventures of some family members, usually for many years.
soap opera
A programme where people show their skills and abilities
talent show
A programme which gives you an idea about what kind of clothes to wear the next day.
weather forecast
A programme in which people answer questions to win some prizes
quiz show / game show