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B1 Irregular Verbs 2.2 (s-w) (83-108)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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escribir = w_______, _______, ________
write, wrote, written
ganar = w_______, _______, ________
win, won, won
llevar puesto = w_______, _______, ________
wear, wore, worn
despertar = w_______, _______, ________
wake, woke, woken
entender = u_______, _______, ________
understand, understood, understood
lanzar / tirar = t_______, _______, ________
throw, threw, thrown
pensar = t_______, _______, ________
think, thought, thought
decir / contar = t_______, _______, ________
tell, told, told
rasgar = t_______, _______, ________
tear, tore, torn
enseñar = t_______, _______, ________
teach, taught, taught
coger / tomar / llevar = t_______, _______, ________
take, took, taken
columpiar = s_______, _______, ________
swing, swung, swung
nadar = s_______, _______, ________
swim, swam, swum
barrer = s_______, _______, ________
sweep, swept, swept
golpear / tachar = s_______, _______, ________
strike, struck, struck
pegar (con cola) / poner = s_______, _______, ________
stick, stuck, stuck
robar = s_______, _______, ________
steal, stole, stolen
estar / ponerse de pie = s_______, _______, ________
stand, stood, stood
estropear / podrir / consentir = s_______, _______, ________
spoil, spoilt, spoilt
derramar = s_______, _______, ________
spill, spilt, spilt
gastar = s_______, _______, ________
spend, spent, spent
deletrear = s_______, _______, ________
spell, spelt, spelt
hablar = s_______, _______, ________
speak, spoke, spoken
oler = s_______, _______, ________
smell, smelt, smelt
dormir = s_______, _______, ________
sleep, slept, slept