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Olivia's Speaking Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The opposite of STRONG
2 things you plan to do next week
Next week I will go ... / do.... / have.....
Finish the sentence: If I have time.....
I will go shopping today I will have lunch in the City
Finish the sentence: Despite studying a lot, ....
I still don't understand / I am still confused
Finish this sentence: ALTHOUGH I went to bed late last night, ....
e.g. I woke up early today / I don't feel tired now
What are 3 things you HAVE TO do this week?
I have to go to the doctor I have to clean my apartment I have to study English with Amelia
Do you fix your car? (Answer 'No', use HAVE)
No, I have someone fix my car No I have my car fixed
Do you mow your lawn? (Answer 'No', use HAVE)
No, I have someone mow my lawn
Do you cut your hair? (Answer 'No', use HAVE)
No, I have someone cut my hair
What would you do if you found a SNAKE in your toilet?
I would SCREAM! I would call someone to help me I would try to get the snake out
What would you do if you got a Visa to stay in NZ for another year?
I WOULD / COULD.... be happy / study longer
What would you do if you CAUGHT the Coronavirus? (If I caught the Coronavirus, I.... )
I WOULD.... go to the hospital I WOULD... panic and cry I WOULDN'T tell my family
washing machine, slow cooker, air conditioner (AC), TV, fridge (refrigerator), toaster
Name 3 THINGS you use for CLEANING
soap, brush, bucket, mop, washing powder, broom, laundry liquid, dishwasher ...
Name 5 THINGS that you use in the KITCHEN
E.G. knife, microwave, colander, bowl, chopsticks, apron, etc...
What is the opposite of 'fancy'?
Describe it: if something is the shape of a CIRCLE, how can we describe it? e.g. it is ...... (adjective)