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Past Simple vs Present Perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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First, Robert ____________(brush) his teeth, then he _________(go) to bed.
brushed, went
James ___________(write) a new book last year.
_______you__________(type) your report yet?
Have you typed
I _______________(not see) Simon for a long time.
haven't seen
How long _______ you ________ (play) in the school football team?
have you played
How long ________ he _______ (know) how to drive?
has he known
We _______________ (not see) Tom at the cinema yesterday.
didn't see
We _______________ (not buy) a birthday present for his sister and she was very upset.
didn't buy
Toby _______________ (live) in Japan for years, but he's back in the UK now.
I _______________ (not hear) from Jessica since her family moved to China.
haven't heard
I went to Sally's house for dinner last night. She _______________ (cook) me a great meal.
______you_________(read) any good books recently?
Have you read
They ___________(watch) a good film on TV yesterday.
We __________(know) Sue for 5 years.
have known
________you _________see Tom at the cinema last night?
Did you see
I _______________(live)here since I ________(be) 5 years old.
have lived, was