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Idioms and Phrasal Verbs

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean if something is a piece of cake?
It's very easy.
If you are over the moon, how do you feel?
If you're a cold fish, what are you?
An unfriendly person
If you are two-faced, what are you?
A dishonest person
What does it mean if you get a letter out of the blue?
You were not expecting the letter
What does it mean if you have a heart of gold?
You are very kind
"My new computer cost me an arm and a leg." What does it mean?
It was expensive
"He is down in the dumps at the moment." What does it mean?
He's depressed
It's raining cats and dogs. What's the weather like?
It's raining heavily
He buys me flowers once in a blue moon. How often does he buy me flowers?
He rarely buys me flowers
If you let the cat out of the bag, what do you do?
You reveal a secret
When you smell a rat, what do you think somebody is doing?
You think that somebody is doing something dishonest
When you've got two left feet, what does that mean?
You don't dance well
When you feel under the weather, how do you feel?
You feel sick
When you get the hang of something, what does it mean?
You learn how to do something or become good at it
If something is high on your list, what does it mean?
It's a priority
If you are blown away by something, what does it mean?
You're impressed by something
If someone says, "Football's not my cup of tea," what do they mean?
They don't like football
He's a big cheese. What's he like?
He's very important
He's a pain in the neck, what's he like?
Annoying. He's a nuisance
If you've got a sweet tooth, what do you like eating?
You like eating candies, chocolates, cakes and other sweet things.
When someone says, 'Break a leg!', what is he/she doing?
Wishing you good luck
He's got a big mouth. What's he like?
He finds it difficult to keep secrets
She's a bookworm, what's she like?
She reads a lot
Whenever I feel blue, how do I feel?
What does it mean if you've got a lot on your plate?
You're busy
"I know how you feel, we are in the same boat." What does that mean?
They are in the same bad situation
'She is getting on my nerves', what is she doing?
Annoying you, especially by doing something again and again
'Yes, that rings a bell', what does it mean?
You seem to remember it or it seems familiar
When someone catches someone red-handed, what does it mean?
To catch someone while they are doing something wrong
If I tell you off, what does that mean? (PHRASAL VERB)
I'm angry with you and telling you you should/shouldn't have done
What does the expression 'hang on' mean? (PHRASAL VERB)
Wait a moment!
"He really looks up to his brother." What does it mean? (PHRASAL VERB)
He respects his brother
"He looks down on poor people." What does he think of poor people? (PHRASAL VERB)
He doesn't respect them
"They've fallen out over money." What have they done? (PHRASAL VERB)
They've had an argument
If you want to get fit, what can you take up? (PHRASAL VERB)
A sport, doing exercises, etc
If you pop in to see someone, what do you do? (PHRASAL VERB)
You pay someone a quick visit
"I take after my dad", what does it mean? (PHRASAL VERB)
I'm similar to my dad in some way
Henri stopped going to school before he was old enough to do his exams. What did he do? (PHRASAL VERB)
He dropped out
If someone depresses you, what does it do? (PHRASAL VERB)
It gets you down
You have an injection and it really hurts, but after a few minutes the pain goes away. What happens? (PHRASAL VERB)
It wears off
You are in trouble at school, but your best friend defends you. What does he/she do? (PHRASAL VERB)
He/she stands by you
It rained all morning, but now the rain has stopped and the sun has come out. What has happened to the weather? (PHRASAL VERB)
It's cleared up
My tennis racket has been broken for ages. I never find the time to fix it. Replace the phrase 'find the time to fix it' (PHRASAL VERB)
Get round to fixing it.
Everyone arrived on time for the meeting. Replace 'arrived' (PHRASAL VERB)
Turned up
Jim and Mary don't get on. What does it mean? (PHRASAL VERB)
They don't like each other
I loved the trip. The beautiful scenery made up for the awful roads. What does it mean? (PHRASAL VERB)
I don't know how she accepts his bad temper. Replace 'accepts' (PHRASAL VERB)
Puts up with
Joe called off the building work his team was doing. What did he do? (PHRASAL VERB)
She made every effort to live up to her parents' expectations. What does it mean? (PHRASAL VERB)
She did her best to be as good as what her parents had expected her to be