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Unusual Advance TEFL Conversation topics

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you noticed anything in your life caused by a concern for the environment? Does it affect you?
Do you like to accessorize? Why or why not?
What is the most important thing to you when buying clothes and why?
Do you have any fashion regrets? What were they?
Is it always possible to create a "win-win" situation?
What do you think of the phrase "The customer is always right?"
Are service jobs more or less stressful than office jobs? Why?
Do think think tipping should be practiced?
Do you consider service jobs to be "good jobs"? Why or why not?"
What do you think of the phrase "It takes a village to raise a child"?
Do you believe in the phrase "Children should be seen and not heard"?
Do you agree with spanking or other forms of corporal punishment? Should teachers be able to use it?
Do you believe it is possible to spoil children? Why or why not?
Would you consider or are you a vegan?
Whose responsibility is it to protect animal rights?
How do you feel about zoos? Why?
What is the most important room in the house? Why?
Do you like IKEA or similar cheap, practical furniture shops? Why or why not?
Are you a fan of minimalism? Why or why not?
Who chooses the furniture in your household? Do they have a preferred color?
When you are buying furnitur, what do you look for? comfort? practicality? style?
Do you think trends popular when you were a kid are going to come back into style one day? Why or why not?
How did people wear their hair when you were younger? Did you like the style? Have you changed your style?
What clothing was cool when you were a child? Did you ever own that clothing? Why or why not?
Is it better to be a boss or employee? Why?
What type of neighborhood "mom and pop" shops do you support? How?
Is entrepreneurship a popular dream or necessity in your country? Why or why not?
If you could start your own business or change a business you started, what would you do? Why?
Do you consider yourself "lucky"? Why or why not?
Are superstitions harmful?
Who is the most supersitious person you know? Why do you consider them superstitious?
What are some superstitions about good luck and bad luck?
How should parents/teachers deal with misbehaviour?
Did you ever get into trouble when you were a kid? What is something you did?
Did you behave differently at school versus at home when you were a child?
Who did you respect the most when you were growing up and why? Did you always listen to then? Why or why not?
If you have siblings, what kind of children were they?
What type of child were you? Were you a naughty child? Quiet child? Clever child