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Chit Chat 2, Unit 1-7 review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Translate: My máme češtinu v 8:30. У нас чеська о 8:30.
We have got Czech (language) at half past eight.
Translate: Ve středu máme dějepis. У нас історія в середу.
We have got history on Wednesday.
Translate: Ve čtvrtek máme výtvarku. У четвер ми маємо художню роботу.
We have got Art on Thursday.
Translate: Máme tělocvik v pondělí. У понеділок у нас спортзал.
We have got PE on Monday.
What time is it? 12:00
It is twelve o'clock.
What time is it? 6:30
It's half past six.
What is the weather like?
It is windy and snowing.
What is the boy doing?
The boy is diving.
What is Miffy doing?
Miffy is skipping.
Translate: Jaké je počasí? Яка погода?
What is the weather like?
Can you ski?
Yes, I can, / No I can't.
Can she swim?
Yes, she can.
Can he play football?
No, he can't.
Translate: Pij hodně vody. Пийте багато води.
Drink lot of water.
Translate: Nejez zmrzlinu. Не їжте морозиво.
Don't eat ice-cream.
Translate: Nehrej si venku. Не грайся надворі.
Don't play outside.
Translate: Bolí mě hlava. У мене болить голова.
I have got a headache.
Translate: Bolí mě v krku. У мене болить горло.
I have got a sore throat.
Translate: Kostel je vedle školy. Церква біля школи.
The church is next to the school.
Translate: Kavárna je naproti parku. Кафе навпроти парку.
The cafe is opposite to the park.
Translate: Jdi rovně kolem kina. Пройдіть прямо повз кінотеатр.
Go straight past the cinema.
Translate: Zahni vpravo u knihkupectví. Біля книгарні поверніть праворуч.
Turn right at the bookshop.
What is the fox doing?
The fox is reading.
What is the monster doing?
The monster is skating.
What is the weather like?
It is windy.
What is the weather like?
It is storm/ stormy.
What is the weather like?
It is snowy/snowing.
Translate: Jaké je počasí? Яка погода?
What is the weather like?