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Compare & Contrast

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How are cake and cupcake different?
A cookie is small and a cake is big.
How are a kite and a bird different?
A bird has wings a kite does not.
How are scissors and a knife different?
A scissor cuts paper and a knife cuts food.
How are a cat and a dog different?
A dog barks and a cat meows.
How are a quarter and a penny different?
A quarter is bigger than a penny.
How are glue and tape alike?
They are both sticky.
How are a window and a door alike?
They both open.
How are a bike and a car different?
A car has an engine and bike does not.
How are an airplane and a car alike?
They are both transportation.
How are a firefighter and a teacher different?
A firefighter puts out fires and a teacher helps children learn.
How are Spring and Autumn different?
Spring is when flowers grow and in the Autumn leaves fall off the trees.
How are cereal and soup alike?
You eat both with a spoon.
How are a desk and a dresser different?
You put your clothes in a dresser and school supplies in a desk.
How are a saw and a screwdriver different?
A saw cuts and a screwdriver doesn't.
How are a hospital and a school alike?
They are both buildings where people work.
How are a hand and a foot alike?
They are both body parts.
How are a frog and a rabbit alike?
They are both animals and they both hop.
How are a watch and a clock alike?
They both have numbers and tell time.
How are a crayon and a pencil alike?
You can write and draw with both of them.
How are a horse and a cow alike?
They are both farm animals.
How are the sun and the moon alike?
They are both in the sky.