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I'd like to be a pilot!

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's that job? (Voice over artist - pet groomer - Hollywood stunt person - food stylist)
Hollywood stunt person.
I want a job that is fun and pays well. I want to be a _________________.
video game player
What's that job? (Voice over artist - pet groomer - Hollywood stunt person - food stylist)
Food stylist.
What's that job? (Voice over artist - pet groomer - Hollywood stunt person - food stylist)
Voice over artist.
What's that job? (Voice over artist - pet groomer - Hollywood stunt person - food stylist)
Pet groomer.
I'd like a job that lets me work with fashion and pays well. I want to work ________ a fashion consultant.
I'd like a job that lets me be creative and pays well. I want to work _________ a game designer.
I'd like a job that lets me be creative. I'd like to work ___________ a writer.
I want a job that is dangerous and exciting. I'd like to work _________ a race car pilot.
I want a job that lets me work with technology. I'd like to work ______ an app developer.
_________________________________? I want to be a firefighter. I'd like to work as a firefighter.
What do you want to be someday? or What would you like to do someday?
______________________________________? She wants a job that lets her travel.
What kind of job would she like? or What kind of job does she want?
Make a sentence: job - require speaking English.
I'd like a job that requires speaking English.
Make a sentence: job - let - work with children
I'd like a job that lets me work with children.
What kind of job do you want? a- I'd like a job that lets me work with people. b- I want to be a vet.
What do you want to be someday? a- I'd like a job that lets me work with people. b- I want to be a vet.
Correct the sentence: Richard wants a job that lets he work with computers.
Correct the sentence: Julie wants a job that lets she travel a lot.
Correct the sentence: Paula wants a job that let her work with animals.
Correct the sentence: Anna want a job that lets her be creative.
Wallace wants a job that ____________. (pays well - is dangerous)
pays well
Miguel wants a job that ____________. (is fun - help people)
is fun
Phill wants a job that lets him ____________ (be creative - help people)
help people
Margaret wants a job that ____________ (lets her travel - lets her be creative)
lets her travel