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P.6 welcome back

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you could travel to anywhere after the pandemic, where would it be? Why?
accept any reasonable answers
Name TWO pandemic words or phrases people would love to hear. They will bring a smile to their face.
vaccine/no new cases/ease the restrictions or lockdown
Name TWO pandemic words or phrases people absolutely never want to hear again.
e.g. wearing masks/ lockdown /social distancing /mortality rate/ more new cases /clutter /virus etc.
Do you know why the EDB planned to have P.1 students come to school along with P.5 and P.6 students?
P.1 students need more time to get used to a new school setting. Everything is new to them.
How did you feel the day before the school term started (1 September)? Did you sleep well? Were you excited?
accept any reasonable answers
What do you miss about school most?
accept any reasonable answers
What was the best thing you did in your summer holidays?
Accept any reasonable answers
Online or face-to-face lesson? Which one do you prefer? Explain why.
Accept any reasonable answers
What is the best or worst meal you had during the summer holidays?
accept any reasonable answers
Where/what do you want to go/do when this pandemic is over?
Up to the students
Flashback time! Tell us your favorite topic in P.5 English last year and briefly tell us what you liked about it. .
accept any reasonable answers
Choose an object that best describes your summer holidays and tell us the reason why you picked it. e.g. masks as I was wearing it most of the time when I was out....
Accept any reasonable answers