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English Proverbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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An apple a day
keeps a doctor away.
If it’s not broke
don’t fix it.
Better late
than never.
There is no smoke
without fire.
Strike while
iron is hot.
It’s better to be
safe than sorry.
Rome wasn’t
built in a day.
Rain at seven,
fine at eleven.
Practice ...
makes perfect.
Don’t judge a book ...
by its cover.
Out of sight
out of mind.
No pain
no gain.
Like father
like son.
Hope for the best...
but prepare for the worst.
Good clothes...
open all doors.
Give a fool enough rope...
and he will hang himself.
Four eyes ...
see better than two.
Fortune ...
favours the brave.
Easy come..
easy go.
East or West - ...
home is best.
Don't put all your...
eggs in one basket.
Curiosity ...
killed a cat.
a leg.
All good things ...
must come to an end.
Actions speak...
louder than words.
A watched pot ...
never boils.
A penny saved ...
is a penny earned.
A leopard cannot ...
change its spots.
A friend to all...
is a friend to none.
A friend in need...
is a friend indeed.