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Food and Drink Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the 5 food groups
Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy
Besides eating healthy, what are some other healthy habits?
1 hour of physical activity ever day, Drink lots of water (7 cups), Sleeping 8 hours a night...
Name 4 Foods that start with C
Cake,Carrot, Cheese, Chicken,Candy...
Guess the Foods by the Emojis
1) hot dog 2) pineapple 3) eggplant
What vegetable is this?
Name 3 Foods we should Avoid eating
Fast food like Burgers, french fries, fizzy drinks...
How Many Portions of fruit we need every day?
Which one is the odd one out?
Sushi is originally from what country?
What does this represent?
My plate is the current nutrition guide published by the USDA. It represent the amount you should put on your plate of every food group
Name 3 Foods that come from Animals
Milk, eggs, chicken, honey, beef...
What do these foods have in Common?
They all have Vitamin C
Name 3 Foods that start with B
Banana, Butter, Beans, Bacon, Burger...
What´s the Name of this Food?