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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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No cats like to watch TV.
Actually some do and its very funny
Animals can not solve or do puzzles.
Well actually they can. Lots of animals can solve puzzles.
Can alligators change the color of their skin?
No they can't! But some crocodiles can change a little bit.
Can reindeers change eye color?
Yes, they change from Brown to Blue to see better in the dark during winter.
This bird the Alpine Swift can stay flying for months without landing?
True, They can fly for up to 6 months. That's half a year!
Frogs sleep with their eyes open.
Yes, they do!
Can a kangaroo jump over two cars on top of each other?
Yes, they can! They can jump up to 8.2 meters.
Do all sharks eat meat?
No they don't! This whale shark only eats vegetables.
Can an electric eel shock you?
Yes, they can. Its quite a shock!
Can owl's twist their head almost upside down?
Yes they can (Up to 270 degrees)
Can dogs walk on two legs?
Yes they can!
Can you hold a baby hippo or are they too big?
Yes you can!
Can hippos eat salad?
Can penguins fly?
No, only in the Madagascar movies!
Do penguins sometimes fight?
Yes with their flappers!
Do girl lions have a mane like the boy lions?
Can whales walk on land like an alligator can?
Can alligators hide in the water?
Can elephants take a shower?