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Revision TSEAS unit 5 + grammar 6

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Which is the liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption?
Drink or beverage
True or false? Food can only be of animal origin.
False. It can also be of plan origin.
How do you say MARISCO in English?
What is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support to the body?
How do you say AVES DE CORRAL in English?
Name two nutrients which food contains
Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals
Should you eat eggs at every meal?
No, you should eat eggs weekly
What is the synonym of drink studied in class?
Should you eat pasta weekly?
No, you should eat it at every meal.
How do you say PRODUCTOS LÁCTEOS in English?
dairy products
Name two of the nutrition tips for athletes studied in class.
1. Load up on carbohydrates; 2. Get enough protein, but not too much; 3. Go easy on fat; 4. Drink fluids early and often; 5. Replace lost electrolytes.
Should you eat vegetables weekly?
No, you should eat them at every meal.
How many glasses of water are recommended to drink daily?
Are COMIDA RÁPIDA and COMIDA BASURA synonyms in English?
No, they aren't
How do you say COMIDA RÁPIDA in English?
fast food
How do you say GRASA in English?
How do you say COMIDA BASURA in English?
junk food
Name one of the benefits for sportspeople when they follow a balanced diet
1. Allow you to perform well in your sport or activity; 2. Reduce the risk of injury and illness; 3. Ensure the best recovery after the exercise
Should you eat fish weekly?
No. You should eat fish DAILY.
Modals: You DON'T HAVE TO / MUSTN'T make some much noise. Everyone is asleep.
Modals: In Britain, you DON'T HAVE TO / SHOULDN'T carry an indentity car.
don't have to
Modals: You MUSTN'T / SHOULDN'T miss that programme. It's fantastic.
Modals: Joe lives near school so he HAS TO / DOESN'T HAVE TO take a bus
doesn't have to
Possibility: You (BE) hungry. You've just eaten two hamburgers,
can't be
Possibility: The shop (BE) open. The doors are closed.
can't be
Possibility: The children are not eating their vegetables. They (like) them.
may / might / could NOT like
Possibility: Sarah's brother had a car accident. She (BE) worried.
must be
Possibility: James isn't at school today. She (BE) ill.
may, might or could be
Conditionals: If she (GO) to Lisbon, she will visit the zoo
Conditionals: If I won a million dollars, I (BUY) my own airplane
would buy
Conditionals: If you (GO) to England, you would learn a lot of English.
2nd conditional: (YOU GO) to China if you (HAVE) the money?
would you go, had
1st conditional: If you (NOT STUDY), you (NOT PASS) the exam
don't study, won't pass
Gerund or infinitive? She wants them (SWIM) a lot
to swim
Gerund or infinitive? Do you enjoy (LISTEN) to music?
Gerund or infinitive? The promised (SEND) a postcard from Poland.
to send
Gerund or infinitive? We have decided (BUY) a car
to buy
Gerund or infinitive? Are you interested in (PLAY) sports?
Gerund or infinitive? At dinner she annoyed me by (SMOKE) between the courses.
Gerund or infinitive? I am looking forward to (SEE) you
Must or have to? In Britain, you (DRIVE) on the left.
must / have to
Must or have to? You (USE) a lift in case of fire
Must or have to? You (COME) with us if you don't want to.
don't have to
Must or have to? You (CROSS) the road when the red light is showing
Must or have to? Students (LISTEN) to the teacher or they won't understand
must / have to
Must or have to? The exams are next week. I (STUDY) harder.
have to / must
Must or have to? You (TURN ON) the central heating. IT's automatic.
don't have to
Must or have to? You (CROSS) the road without looking. IT's dangerous