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prepositions IN, AT, ON

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She was on the phone late ________ night, that’s why she’s late for class.
She was on the phone late AT night, that’s why she’s late for class.
What do you do ______ Carnival?
What do you do ON Carnival?
They like to study _______ Tuesday mornings.
They like to study ON Tuesday mornings.
She left the keys _______ the counter for you.
She left the keys ON the counter for you.
What is your birth date? It is _____ October 3rd, 1997
What is your birth date? It is ON October 3rd, 1997
They lived ____________ Guaramirim for 15 years, now they moved to Joinville.
They lived IN Guaramirim for 15 years, now they moved to Joinville.
She always wakes up ________ 11am.
She always wakes up AT 11am.
Would come here for a second? I’m ________ the principal’s office.
Would come here for a second? I’m IN the principal’s office.
What happened ________ August?
What happened IN August?
She was drinking coffee _______ work yesterday.
She was drinking coffee AT work yesterday.