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ADV2_22 - Vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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4. A - Oh, no you wouldn't. Don't be so negative. B - _________ , even if I did get in, they play on Saturday morning, and I like to sleep in on Saturdays. - a) Everyway - b) Anyway
b) Anyway
3. A - So, are you going to try out for the football team? B - No, I decided not to. I'm not good enough, and I'd just _______. - a) make a fool of myself - b) do a fool of myself
a) make a fool of myself
2. B - Well, don't ___________; Nia's bound to win it. - a) gone for it - b) get your hopes up
b) get your hopes up
2. A - There's a singing contest at school next month. I thought I might _________ . - a) go for it - b) get my hopes up
a) go for it
1. B - __________. We'll have to think of another place to go, then. - a) go for it - b) fair enough
b) fair enough
1. A - Well, there are lots of reasons I don't want to go there. It's very exepensive, ________. - a) for starters - b) fair enough
a) for starters
"So let me change the subject" means? a) fair enough - b) anyway...
b) anyway...
"I understand why you said / did that" means? - a) fair enough - b) ... for starters!
a) fair enough
"Appear ridiculous to others" means? - a) get (his) hopes up - b) make a fool of (himself)
b) make a fool of (himself)
"The first reason is..." means? - a) ... for starters! - b) go for it!
a) ... for starters!
"Have high expectations" means? - a) fair enough - b) get (his) hopes up
b) get (his) hopes up
"Try it!" means? - a) go for it - b) ... for starters!
a) go for it