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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Every morning Jackson ____________ (turn) on his computer and _______________ (check) his Instagram.
turns, checks
In 2050 people _______________ (have) flying cars.
will have
Look at the clouds! It _________________ (rain).
is going to rain
My Uncle Landon ________________________ (work) in Dublin from 2002-2008.
We ______________ (drive) on Main Street when a dog __________ (run) in front of our car.
were driving/ ran
That girl with the red hair _______________________(talk) on the phone right now.
is talking
Our school ___________________(usually/have) breaks in the morning and afternoon.
Sophia and Isabella _______________ (not/finish) their presentation on African animals yet.
haven't finished
They ____________________(have) dinner when the telepone _________________(ring).
were having, rang
Yesterday I _______________(buy) a T-shirt and green shorts.
The contract ______________( sign) by the manager tomorrow.
wil be signed
The criminals ______________(not arrest) yet.
haven't been arrested
This piece of music _____________(not record) yet. I've just composed it.
hasn't been recorded
I think hotels _______________ (build) in space in the future.
will be built
Our house _______________in 1902. (build)
was built
Spanish _______________ in many countries. (speak)
is spoken