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Higher Level Emotion Identification

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's tapping his fingers on his leg. He's leaning over with his hand on his face. How does he feel?
She's looking at the pencil she is moving up and down. How does she feel?
He's leaning back with his hands over his stomach. He is smiling with his mouth closed.
Satisfied or content.
She is looking and blinking with her mouth open. How is she feeling?
Bewildered or confused.
She has a smile with her lips together. She is rubbing her tummy and wiggling her shoulders. How does she feel?
Content or satisfied.
They look like they're trying to listen with their ears against the wall. How do they feel?
He looks like he's anticipating something good, but then he starts to frown and lowers his head. How is he feeling?
He's laughing, covering his face, and looking down. How does he feel?
Embarassed or ashamed.
She's pressing her lips together and looking down. She's blinking. How is she feeling?
She shaking her head, lifting up one arm and letting it fall. She turns her body and walks away. How does she feel?
Disappointed or upset.
She closed her eyes and leaned her head back. Her arms fell off the table. How does she feel?
Hands are up, she is leaning back with her mouth open like she's yelling. She's shaking her head and her eyes are closed but her eyebrows look like they are not moving up or down. How is she feeling?
His eyebrows are down. There are a lot of wrinkles on his nose between his eyebrows. His mouth is open and there seems to be a lot of tension in his face and neck muscles. How does he feel?
She stood up, she raised her arm and pumped her fist. Her eyes got wide and her mouth is open like she's yelling. How does she feel?
His head is moving back. His eyes are squinting and his mouth is frowning. How is he feeling?
She's looking at another person. Her eyes are squinting a little, her mouth is frowning or not smiling. How does she feel?
He's covering his eyes, his hands are up near his mouth, his eyes are wide open looking at the phone. How is he feeling?
Anxious, worried, or nervous.
His arms don't want to stay up, they fall right down. His head is leaning to one side and his eyes are closed. How does he feel?
She seems like she has a lot of tension. She is rubbing her hands together. She looks like she's smiling but she isn't happy. What is she feeling.
Anxious or worried.
Eyes are squinting, eyebrows are down, his mouth is open but not smiling, and he is looking up and down. How does he feel?
Upset, annoyed.
I see clenched fists, open mouth, eyebrows are low, and there seems to be a lot of tension in his muscles. How does he feel?