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Present tense ( he/ she / it)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lina / have a good time / with her friends
Lina has a good time with her friends
Mary / have luch / with ther friends
Mary has lunch with her friends
Manuel / go shopping / with his friends
Manuel goes shopping with his friends
She / listen to music
She listens to music
Laura / not / go to the gym / Laura / go for a run
Laura doesn´t go to the gym. Laura goes for a run.
She / not / wash the dishes / She / go clubbing
She doesn´t wash the dishes. She goes clubbing.
Sarah / not / go for a run / She / get the bus
She doesn´t go for a run. She gets the bus.
The boy / not / play videogames / The boy / get dressed
The boy doesn´t play videogames. The boy gets dressed.
She / not / have breakfast / She / get up / late
She doesn´t have breakfast. She gets up late
My mother / not / wash the dishes / My aunt / wash / the dishes.
My mother doesn´t wash the dishes. My aunt washes the dishes
The child / not / have breakfast / The child / go to bed
The child doesn´t have breakfast. The child goes to bed.
He / not / drink / soda / He / drink / coffee
He doesn´t drink soda. He drinks coffee.
He / not / work / He / take a break
He doesn´t work. He takes a break
She / not / listen to the music / She / have / a shower
She doesn't listen to the music. She has a shower.
He / not / go dancing / He / get home / 8 pm
He doesn´t go dancing. He gets home at 8.00 pm
She / not / clean the house /she / cook / dinner
She doesn´t clean the house. She cooks dinner.