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Places in the Neighborhood

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write yes/no questions and short answers with there is / there are. to the mall? / a movie theater / there / next door / Is (No)
Is there a movie theater next door to the mall? No, there isn't.
Write yes/no questions and short answers with there is / there are. good restaurants / there / Are / on your street? (No)
Are there good restaurants on your street? No, there aren't.
Write yes/no questions and short answers with there is / there are. there / a bus stop / around the corner / Is / from your house? (Yes)
Is there a bus stop around the corner from your house? Yes, there is.
Write yes/no questions and short answers with there is / there are. movie theaters / Are / there / in the neighborhood? (Yes)
Are there movie theaters in the neighborhood? Yes, there are.
Write yes/no questions and short answers with there is / there are. big hotels / there / in Mexico City? Are (Yes)
Are there big hotels in Mexico City? Yes, there are.
Complete the sentence with the correct words. ... a bus stop in front of the restaurant.
There is
Complete the sentence with the correct words. How many old neighborhoods ... in the city?
are there
Complete the sentence with the correct words. ... a language school in your neighborhood?
Is there
Complete the sentence with the correct words. How many parks ... in your hometown?
are there
Complete the sentence with the correct words. ... a really nice park in my city.
There is
Complete the sentence with the correct words. How many stores ... on your street?
are there
Fill in the correct words. ... two small Mexican restaurants on Lane Street.
There are
Fill in the correct words. ... a house next to the restaurant?
Is there
Fill in the correct words. How many movie theaters ... in the mall?
are there
Fill in the correct words. ... good hotels in the neighborhood?
Are there
Fill in the correct words. ... an apartment building across the street?
Is there
Fill in the correct words. ... two stores in the neighborhood.
There are