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Be Used To

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can't stay in my house all day. I didn't do it before.
I'm not used to staying in my house.
We use internet all the time.
We are used to using internet.
He always lived alone. He feels weird with a roomie.
He isn't used to living with a roomie. He is used to living alone.
I usually don't sleep with socks.
I'm not used to sleeping with socks. I'm used to sleeping without socks.
In China people eat weird animals.
They are used to eating weird animals.
The face mask is new for us. We didn't wear it before.
We aren't used to wearing a face mask.
In my city there isn't traffic when I drive.
I'm not used to driving with traffic. I'm used to driving without traffic.
Students usually don't do their homework.
Students aren't used to doing the homework.
He can't lie, He always gets late.
He's used to getting late.
My dog knows I take it out every day.
My dog is used to going out every day.
We have always used the subway.
We're used to using the subway.
He knows he never wins.
He's used to losing.
They always have problems in the kitchen.
They aren't used to cooking.