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Christmas Traditions in England for Kids

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The favorite Christmas movie of most people in England is "Home Alone."
False! A survey was done in 2016 and "Elf" was voted the favorite!
Coffee and cookies make up a traditional late afternoon snack on Christmas day in England.
False! Not coffee and cookies, but tea and biscuits! British people call cookies "biscuits" in England and they do love to drink their tea!
"The Snowman" is a famous cartoon that children in England love to watch each year at Christmas.
True! It is the story about a boy who builds a snowman and that snowman comes to life!
British people, young and old, love to go to ugly Christmas sweater parties.
True! But ugly Christmas sweaters are usually called ugly Christmas jumpers in England!
Christmas crackers are special table decorations at Christmas dinner for British families.
True! Christmas crackers are festive table decorations that make a snapping sound when pulled open, and often contain a small gift, paper hat and a joke.
Christmas caroling is a much loved tradition for British families.
True! Music is a huge part of the Christmas season in England, and many families go Christmas caroling in their neighborhoods!
Ham is the traditional food to eat at Christmas dinner in England.
False! Turkey is the main food eaten at dinner, along with potatoes, stuffing, gravy, peas and carrots, brussels sprouts, and of course mincemeat pie!
Children in England open their presents first thing in the morning when they wake up.
False! Stockings can be opened first thing, but most of the presents must wait until the Queen has finished her speech at 3:00 in the afternoon!
It is a British tradition to hang sunflowers on the doorways at Christmas.
False! Not sunflowers, but mistletoe. But be careful - if you're caught standing underneath it, you might get kissed on the cheek!
Mincemeat pie is a popular British holiday dish made with meat.
False! Mincemeat pie was made with meat more so in the Middle Ages, but now it is made with dried fruit and spices.
The tradition of sending Christmas cards originated in England.
True! The custom of sending Christmas cards, as we know them today, was started in the UK in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole.
Santa delivers presents to children in England.
False! The famous gift giver in England is called Father Christmas and in the 16th century wore green robes, not red.
Christmas was illegal in England between 1647 and 1660.
True!  A group of people came into power and believed that Christmas celebrations led to people behaving badly, so they made it illegal!
In England, you better be careful biting into the Christmas pudding because you might bite into a coin hidden inside.
True!  Whoever gets the serving of Christmas pudding with the silver coin gets to keep the coin!