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Steps Plus VII Unit 1 - revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My little brother (not/brush) his teeth often.
doesn't brush
My parents (go/holiday) every summer and winter.
go on holiday
They (not/eat) lunch in the cafeteria. They eat in the classroom.
don't eat
I have my coffee (o 4 po południu).
at four p.m./ at four in the afternoon
My horse (bierze prysznic) now.
is taking a shower/is having a shower
I haven't got (żadnych pieniędzy w) my wallet. Would you lend me some?
any money in
(Jest szalik na) the armchair. Is it yours?
There is a scarf on
Taking care of my garden makes me be/feel/do happy.
Sara: What's your first/absolute/primary favourite thing? Steve: I love painting.
It makes/sounds/does interesting. I'm in.
Mina: What's your favourite dessert? Tim: That's easy/cool/fun. It's icecream!
He always takes his nap ...... the afternoon.
Early birds don't study well ...... night.
I was so tired the night before that I overslept ...... Friday morning.
Are you an early bird or a night ......?
She's got long ...... red hair.
Put the adjectives in the correct order: brown/cute/little dog
cute little brown dog
Put the adjectives in the correct order: green/long/unusual/wavy hair
unusual long wavy green hair
Do you live in the same ...... as Tim? No, he lives further in the north of the city.
What do you have in ......? We both walk our dogs in the same park.
Your room is so messy! There ...... any space to study.
It's a synonym of the word comforter. You use it to cover your body when you sleep.
a duvet
Are there any pictures on your walls? Yes, ...... .
there are
Both reading books and listening to music are in the category.
It's a brother or a sister.
a sibling
It's a person who is well-known and admired by lots of fans.
a celebrity