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National Geographic Wolves

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What does the word 'extinct' mean?
A group of animals no longer living.
How many red wolves live in the wild?
Only about 100
How does an alpha male show he is boss?
Keeping his tail and head high.
How strong is a wolf's sense of smell?
100 times stronger than humans.
How old are wolf pups when they join the hunting group?
About six months old.
What does the word 'litter' mean?
A group of animals born at one time.
How old are wolf pups when they leave the den?
They are three weeks old.
Who is the leader of a pack of wolves?
The alpha male and alpha female.
How do wolves talk with each other?
They howl.
Are wolves good hunters?
Yes, they are.
What does 'prey' mean?
It is an animal that is eaten by other animals.
Do wolves live in packs or alone?
They live in packs
What other members of a wolf family are there?
Coyote, Jackal, red fox, wild dog, domestic dog.
What does domestic mean?
Tame and kept by humans.
What kind of wolf is this?
A Timber Wolf
What kind of wolf is this?
An arctic wolf
What kind of wolf is this?
An Iberian wolf.
Do wolves live in the North Pole?
What is this wolf doing?