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Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is this woman?
She is Morgiana.
What did Mustafa the tailor do?
He sewed Kasim back together.
How many pieces did the thieves cut Kasim into?
They cut him into four pieces.
Was Kasim in trouble?
Yes, the thieves caught him.
What did the thieves do to Kasim?
They cut him into four pieces.
Why was Kasim scared after he took the treasure?
He forgot the words to leave the cave.
Did Kasim take a small amount of treasure?
No, he wanted everything.
How many donkeys did Kasim take to the cave?
How did Kasim and his wife know that Ali Baba had gold?
A gold coin got stuck in the wax on the scales.
Why did his wife go to get a weighing scale?
To weigh up the gold.
Who did Ali Baba tell about the treasure?
His wife.
How did Ali Baba get in and out of the cave?
By saying 'Open Sesame' and 'Shut Sesame'.
What did Ali Baba find in the cave?
How many thieves were there?
What did he see in the forest?
Thieves opening a cave on a cliff.
What was Ali Baba's job?
He collected wood to sell.
Who are these people?
Ali Baba and his brother Kasim.