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* Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Landmarks

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main street of the so called 'backpackers area'
What is Bui Vien walking street? [Phố đi bộ Bùi Viện]
tallest skyscraper in HCMC
What is Landmark 81?
maze of handicraft, souvenir, and clothing stalls
What is Ben Thanh Market? [Chợ Bến Thành]
built in 1902–1908 in a French colonial style
What is the People's Committee Building? [Ủy ban Nhân dân Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh]
built in 1897 by French architect Eugène Ferret
What is the Saigon Municipal Opera House? [Nhà hát Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh]
major museum in HCMC
What is the HCMC Museum of Fine Arts? [Bảo tàng Mỹ thuật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh]
publicly known as Reunification Palace
What is Independence Palace? [Dinh Độc Lập]
central market of Cho Lon in District 6
What is Binh Tay Market? [Chợ Bình Tây]
immense network of connecting tunnels near HCMC
What are the Cu Chi Tunnels? [Địa đạo Củ Chi]
oldest Buddhist temple in HCMC built in 1744
What is the Giac Lam Pagoda? [Chùa Giác Lâm]
contains exhibits of the First Indochina and Vietnam War
What is the War Remnants Museum? [Bảo tàng Chứng tích Chiến tranh]
Taoist pagoda in District 1
What is the Jade Emperor Pagoda? [Chùa Ngọc Hoàng]
tallest building in Vietnam until January 2011
What is Bitexco Financial Tower?
cathedral constructed between 1863 and 1880
What is Notre-Dame Cathedral of Saigon? [Nhà thờ Đức Bà Sài Gòn]
grandest post office in all of Southeast Asia
What is the Saigon Central Post Office? [Bưu điện trung tâm Sài Gòn]