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Christmas Time

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Santa bring to children?
How many days are there on the advent calendar?
24 days
What are the red and white candies hanging from this Christmas tree?
Candy Cane
Sugar Snap
What type of cookie is shaped like a person?
Gingerbread man
Ginger Snap
Ginger Crisps
What color are the berries of the famous mistletoe that's hung up on doorway.
What are the people who go from house to house singing Christmas songs?
What does Santa give very naughty kids?
A lump of coal
A broken car
A stinky sock
A grumpy elf
Which reindeer has a shiny red nose?
How does Santa get into the house?
Through the Chimney
Through a window
Knocking on the door
Through a magic portal
Who helps Santa make the naughty or nice list?
The Naughty Elves
Santa's Workshop Elves
Mrs. Claus
What vegetable is used for a snowman's nose?
A carrot
What vehicle does Santa use to bring all of the presents?
A sleigh
A sled
A car
An airplane
Where does Santa live?
The North Pole
The South Pole
What are Christmas colors?
Red and Green
Red and Gold
Green and Gold
Red and White
What are Santa's helpers called?
What is usually put at the top of a Christmas tree?
A Star or an Angel
Who is the character who once stole Christmas?
The Grinch
The Grump
The Skeleton
The Angry Elf
Traditionally, you are supposed to leave a snack out for Santa what is the snack?
Cookies and Milk
Smores and Hot Cocoa
Apple Pie and Apple Cider
Oreos and Milk
What day are you supposed to open the presents?
Christmas Day
Christmas Eve
New Years Eve
New Years Day
What date is Christmas day?
December 25
December 1
December 16
December 31
What date is Christmas eve?
December 24
December 31
December 1
December 16
If you include Rudolf. How many reindeer does Santa have pulling his sleigh?
Who is this character?
The naughty elf.
The sleepy elf.
The red-nosed elf.
The vacation elf.