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Incredible Journeys

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these souvenirs called and where do they come from?
They are telephone boxes from England / The UK.
What are these souvenirs called and where do they come from?
They are clogs from The Netherlands.
What are these souvenirs called?
They are Matryoshka dolls (Russian dolls) from Russia.
What is it and where does it come from?
It's a key chain from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
Guess the word: It is the opposite of leave.
Guess the word: When you give money for something.
buy / pay
Guess the word: When you put things in a suitcase.
Guess the word: When you choose what to do in the future.
Guess the word: When you talk to a person for the first time.
Guess the word: It is the opposite of receive.
Name three places in Italy.
Rome, Milan, Venice, Florence, Naples, etc.
Name five souvenirs.
Postcard, gift, candy, key chain, toy, jewelry, clothes, etc.
He ... an amazing adventure on his holiday last Christmas.
He had an amazing adventure on his holiday last Christmas.
Did you ever ... ... a train?
Did you ever get on a train?
I really like ... new people.
I really like meeting new people.
Did you ... any postcards?
Did you send any postcards?
Ronan ... a guidebook when he went to Tokyo.
Ronan bought a guidebook when he went to Tokyo.
She didn't ... a guidebook.
She didn't buy a guidebook.
I ... in Vietnam two years ago.
I arrived in Vietnam two years ago.
What time are you going to ... ... home?
What time are you going to come back home?
We ... ... home at 11pm last night.
We came back home at 11pm last night.
I ... a lot of souvenirs on my holiday last year.
I bought a lot of souvenirs on my holiday last year.
Did you ... any souvenirs?
Did you buy any souvenirs?
He always ... a big suitcase.
He always packs a big suitcase.
Where are they going to ... ... the coach?
Where are they going to get off the coach?
What time will we ... ...?
What time will we set off?
Shoes doesn't like ... journeys.
She doesn't like planning journeys.
Did you ... some adventures on your trip?
Did you have some adventures on your trip?
We ... ... a train to Paris last night.
We got on a train to Paris last night.
They ... people at the airport last week.
They met people at the airport last week.
I ... a postcard yesterday.
I sent a postcard yesterday.