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How much ...? (a lot VS a little)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much water is there in an Olympic swimming pool? (2,5mln liters)
There is a lot of water in the Olympic swimming pool.
How much snow is there outside? (warm +15℃)
There is a little snow outside.
How much salt is there in your soup? (1 pinch)
There is little salt in my soup.
How much cream is in that cake? (cream cake)
There is a lot of cream in that cake.
How much food is there on the table? (whole table)
There is a lot of food on the table.
How much money is there in your wallet? (3 RMB)
There is a little money in my wallet.
How much power is there in one magic stone?
There is a lot of power.
How much time do we have for a movie? (2 hours)
There is a lot of time for a movie.
How much noise is there in that classroom? (not much)
There is a little noise in the classroom.
How much milk is there in that glass? (50 ml)
There is a little of milk in that glass.
How much meat is there in the refrigerator? (50 gr)
There is a little of meat in the refrigerator.
How much food is left in the bag? (1 little cookie)
There is a little of food left in the bag.
How much pizza is left for me? (1 small piece)
There is a little pizza left for me.
How much lemonade is left on the table? (0,5 glass)
There is a little lemonade left on the table.
How much sugar is there in 1 bottle of cola?
There is a lot of sugar in 1 bottle of cola.
How much time is left until the end of the lesson? (5 minutes)
There is a little time left until the end of the lesson.
How much coffee is there on the table? (10 cups)
There is a lot of coffee on the table.
How much information is on the Internet?
There is a lot of information on the Internet.
How much sand is in the deserts?
There is a lot of sand in the deserts.
How much bread is left? (1 piece)
There is a little bread left.
How much money is in the bank?
There is a lot of money in the bank.
How much water is in the ocean?
There is a lot of water in the ocean.