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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There’s ___cottage and ____ small house at the end of the lane. Sally lives in ______ house.
My sister doesn’t like ______ dogs – she prefers cats.
Do you want to speak to Dad? He’s in ______ kitchen.
I bought ___ T-shirt and ____cap. ___T-shirt is big for me.
a,a, the
_____Villages are quiter than _____towns.
_____man who lives next door to me is ____ doctor. He's ____really nice man.
the, a, a
I watched ____ interesting programme last night.
I don't think ____ billboards make ______cities more attractive.
-, -
I never drink ____ coffee in ____ evening.
-, the
Would you prefer to live in _____village or _______big city?
My dad is ____ doctor and my mum is ____teacher.
I like _____ Italian food. Pizza is my favourite food.
I think ________boys in my class are lazier than ___________girls.
the, the
______weather was wonderful yesterday. ______sun was shining.
the, the
We had _____ amazing holiday in ____ Lake District.
an, the
I've got _____ cat and ___ dog. _______dog's called Rex and _____cat's Tom.
a,a,the, the