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Merlin chapters 1, 2 and 3

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Morfra drinks the magic potion and now he has magic powers.
Ceridwen is making a magic potion in the cauldron for Merlin.
Who is the boy in the house in the forest?
In the house in the forest, Merlin can see a boy stting near a cauldron.
What does Merlin find near the oak tree?
A house.
Merlin doesn't pay attention to the dream.
In the dream Merlin has, Merlin's father tells him to find the biggest oak tree in the forest.
One night, Merlin had a dream about.......
his father.
Morfran is Ceridwen's son.
Morfran is a bully and laughs at Merlin.
Merlin lives with his mum and dad.
Where does Merlin live?
In a castle in Wales.
Who is Ceridwen?
An enchantress. She is also Morfran's mother.
What's Merlin's best friend?
His toad, it is his pet.