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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is now this time. The next train leaves in 20 minutes. What time will it leave?
At half-past three.
The train has just arrived (see clock)!!! But it arrived 15 minutes later than usual. What time does it normally arrive?
At seven forty.
This is the time now. The lesson finishes in 25 minutes. What time will it finish?
At a quarter to nine.
Samira and Miriam were both born at this time. But they don't have the same birthday. Why??
Because they were born on two different days in different time zones.
Why do security guards feel exhausted and weary guarding the Big Ben clock tower?
Because they are all working around the clock!!
CHALLENGE QUESTION: At exactly what time was Kennedy assassinated in 1963?
at 12.30pm on 22 November 1963
at 13,30pm on 23 November 1963
at 11:45am on 21 November 1963
at 12;30pm on 22 November 1973
Which Japanese city was bombed at exactly this time in 1945?
Tonight, Sara went to bed two and a half hours late (see clock). What time does she normally go to bed?
At a quarter past 11.
John has just started a 3-hour operation. What time will the operation end?
At twenty-five past 12.
Alice needs about 35 minutes to finish her homework. What time will it be then?
Four thirty-five.
This is the current time in Zürich. New York is 6 hours behind. What time is it in New York?
It is five to 6 in New York.
John normally arrives at work at 8.30. It is now (see clock). How late will he be if he arrives now?
An hour and 40 minutes.
What time was the car stolen?
At two o'clock.
If your meeting starts now (see clock) and lasts 90 minutes, what time will it end?
At half-past three.
If your plane takes off now (see photo) and lands at 12.25, how long is the flight?
The flight is 4 hours and 55 minutes.
What time will the alarm go off?
At 10 o'clock.
John is exactly half-way through his guitar lesson (a 60-minute lesson). When did the lesson begin?
It began at 3 o'clock.
When did you go to sleep last night?
I went to sleep at 1.30am