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Speaking TOPICS

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
What you did last 2 Saturdays without this wonderful English Class.
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
What you hate people do!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
Your first kiss!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
Your first time! I mean, your first time doing something new!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
The best party you have attended!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
A ridiculous event you have experienced!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
An important decision you made!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
A journey you went on!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
An old person you know and admire!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
A job you have done! How much did you get paid? What did you do? etc.
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
A happy childhood event!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
Your favorite movie! Name? Producer? Plot? Stars?
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
What's the title of you favorite song and why you like it?
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
The last day you ate out!
You have 2 minutes to talk about ....
Your last holidays! Be careful with verbs in past.